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old posts

07 Feb 2015 11:53

07 Feb 2015 11:53
07 Feb 2015 11:53
I am just curious to know what is done for the posts not answered so far?
Will it be proper if old posts are answered now (1 month to 1 year) & how can we confirm it reaches the concerned or there is any auto system?

07 Feb 2015 13:18
Gyan Prakash
07 Feb 2015 13:18
जहाँ तक मैं समझता हूँ, उत्तर देना या न देना सदस्यों के लिये स्वैच्छिक है, उत्तर देने के लिये कोई नियुक्त नहीं है। इसीतरह उत्तर पहुँचाना भी किसी की ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं है, पूछने वाले सदस्य को ही यह देखते रहना होता है।

07 Feb 2015 13:25
07 Feb 2015 13:25
I don't think it is necessary to answer them.
The original poster must have long since given up.
Unless the name of the poster is familiar and he is active these days, and is likely to see the answer, there is no point.

Besides, unless he has checked the box "Notify me via mail, when someone posts in this thread" he will not even know that an answer has been posted.
Most new members, come here and are active in asking questions for the first two or three months only.
They then vanish forever even when their questions are regularly answered.
Those whose questions are never answered never come back here and leave within a few days.
So, it is not worthwhile taking the trouble to answer old posts unless the question is so interesting and the answer is so educative that it will benefit the current active members.
This is just my opinion of course.

You must have noticed so many members who were active have left and are not to be seen nowadays.
Mukesh Balse, Kit 13, Ninja Warrior and nowadays, even Devanam Priyadarshi is absent.

I hope you and Sakshi will continue to give me company!