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27 Apr 2015 19:39

27 Apr 2015 19:39
27 Apr 2015 19:39

Since when, got it, you wish, you are dressed to kill.

Msg to Dear GV SIR= some idioms is pending till now so please my do something in fact I need you support so that I can achieve my aim/goal.

28 Apr 2015 04:19
28 Apr 2015 04:19

All pending idioms have been cleared.
Sorry, I was busy yesterday.
Tomorrow also I will be busy, Sight Seeing in San Diego where I am now holidaying.
Idioms posted today by you:

Since when, कब से?
This is simple. I am not posting any example.

got it!  समझ गया! मिल गया!
A: I think I have lost my key.
B: Did you look in your Coat pocket?
A: Ah! I forgot to look there. Let me see… Okay, Got it!

A: What does ‘invisible’  mean?
B: It means अदृश्य
A: अदृश्य? you mean जो दिखाई न दे?
B: Yes
A: Okay, Got it!

you wish,
“you wish” or “your wish”?
your wish: तुम्हारी मर्ज़ी
you wish : तुम चाहते हो

dressed to kill.
किसी को प्रभावित या आकर्षित करने के उद्देश्य से कपडे पहनना|

Examples from the web:
wearing glamorous clothes intended to create a striking impression.

Dressed, as in, such a fashion to look impressive enough, for someone to compliment someone (usually a Man compliments the lady, on this situation)
“if looks could kill, you’d be a weapon of mass destruction”
यदि आकर्षण एक हथियार होता तो तुम  ब्रह्मास्त्र होती!

Dressed to kill and dressed (up) fit to kill
Dressed in fancy or stylish clothes.
Wow, look at Sally! She’s really dressed to kill.
When Joe came to pick Mary up for the movie, he was dressed up fit to kill and carrying a dozen roses.
