
Language Support Forums | भाषा सहयोग मंच

Forum response time

29 Mar 2015 11:25

29 Mar 2015 11:25
29 Mar 2015 11:25
In how much time can I get answers to my questions?

29 Mar 2015 12:59
29 Mar 2015 12:59
It depends on many factors:
- the time when you ask the question
- the type of question you ask
- the language forum that you ask the question in
The time to get a satisfactory answer can vary from few minutes to forever depending upon the factors listed above.

30 Mar 2015 00:28
30 Mar 2015 00:28
I agree with Administrator.
From my experience here I have observed that questions posted in the English/Hindi sections are more numerous and are followed by more members and also answered earlier.

Regional language forums are not so active as the Hindi and English forums.

The response time depends on the availalbilty of the responder and whether he is on line at that time or not.
It also depends on how many people are online at the time of posting the question.
When more people are on line the question will be answered faster.
When more questions are waiting to be answered, any new question will take longer for an answer.
Translations from English to Hindi take more time, as very few people attempt it.
Easy questions are answered quickly,
Difficult questions are answered late or not at all.
Improper questions will not be answered at all.
A very long translation request will normally not be answered as no one will be willing to spare that much time for a single question, when so many other questions from others are also pending.
But if the poster attempts his own translation and posts it, then there is more sympathy and support and others will be more willing to help.

The purpose of this forum is to facilitate learning.
It is not to provide a free translation service.
So if the question appears to be not from a learner but from someone trying to get some free translaion done by others, it may be entertained occasionally but not always.
Sometimes questions are posted by members and the questions are related to their office work.
Such questions may or may not be entertained depending on the responder's mood.
Top priority is usually given to questions that are clearly from people who are trying to learn.,

The response time can be as early as less than 5 minutes.
Average response time is about half an hour to 1 hour.
Most questions are answered in less than 24 hours.
If you have still not got an answer try posting the question again.

All the best