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Please Translate.

19 Dec 2014 10:09

19 Dec 2014 10:09
Mukesh Bhalse
19 Dec 2014 10:09

1. यदि मैं एक पक्षी होता तो आसमान में उड़ जाता.
2. यदि तुमने मेरी सलाह मानी होती तो यह मुसीबत नहीं आती.
3. यदि वह समुद्री तूफान में चला गया होता तो लौटकर कभी नहीं आता.

19 Dec 2014 10:22
19 Dec 2014 10:22

1. If I had a bird flies into the sky .
  यदि मैं एक पक्षी होता तो आसमान में उड़ जाता.
2. If you take my advice , then this problem would not have considered .
  यदि तुमने मेरी सलाह मानी होती तो यह मुसीबत नहीं आती.
3. If he went into a sea storm never comes back .
  यदि वह समुद्री तूफान में चला गया होता तो लौटकर कभी नहीं आता.

I’m try my best but not sure about 2nd sentence.

19 Dec 2014 11:30
19 Dec 2014 11:30

1. यदि मैं एक पक्षी होता तो आसमान में उड़ जाता.
If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.

2. यदि तुमने मेरी सलाह मानी होती तो यह मुसीबत नहीं आती.
If you had listened to my advice, then you would not have run into this difficulty.

3. यदि वह समुद्री तूफान में चला गया होता तो लौटकर कभी नहीं आता.
If he had set out into the stormy sea, he would never have returned.


19 Dec 2014 11:38
19 Dec 2014 11:38
Mukesh Bhalse - 19 Dec 2014 10:09

1. यदि मैं एक पक्षी होता तो आसमान में उड़ जाता.
1.l would be flying,had I been bird.
2. यदि तुमने मेरी सलाह मानी होती तो यह मुसीबत नहीं आती.
2.If you had followed my advice,you would not have faced this situation/problem/calamity.
3. यदि वह समुद्री तूफान में चला गया होता तो लौटकर कभी नहीं आता.

3.If he would have gone in the cyclone,he would   never have returned.

19 Dec 2014 14:10
Mukesh Bhalse
19 Dec 2014 14:10

Thanks GV Sir and JK.

20 Dec 2014 13:30
20 Dec 2014 13:30

@Jagdish Sir
I would be flying, had I been a bird.

Correct me if I am wrong.


20 Dec 2014 13:33
20 Dec 2014 13:33

—If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.
(Perfect translation by GV Sir)