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plz translate it into hindi

20 Oct 2014 23:05

20 Oct 2014 23:05
R Gaur
New Member
20 Oct 2014 23:05

I don’t see why we can’t overtime reach double digit given our level of development,” he added.

21 Oct 2014 07:49
21 Oct 2014 07:49

I don’t see why we can’t overtime reach double digit given our level of development,” he added.

हमारे विकास स्तर को देखते हुए, हम भविष्य में  क्यों द्विसंख्या / दो अंक तक पहुँच नहीं सकते, यह मैं समझ नहीं सकता

(द्विसंख्या/दो अंक , यानी दस या उससे अधिक)


21 Oct 2014 13:04
21 Oct 2014 13:04

उन्होंने कहा, मुझे नहीं दिखता कि हम अपने अतिरिक्त समय के विकास स्तर को देखते हुए दोहरे अंक तक क्यों नहीं पहुँच सकते.


22 Oct 2014 00:49
22 Oct 2014 00:49
R Gaur - 20 Oct 2014 23:05

I don’t see why we can’t overtime reach double digit given our level of development,” he added.

Dear friend,

I am here to learn Hindi by matching up the English sentences with that of its Hindi translations. But here, I have to admit that I don’t understand the meaning of this English sentence. Could you explain to me what you meant?

22 Oct 2014 10:58
22 Oct 2014 10:58

@Ninja Warrior,

I don’t see why we can’t overtime reach double digit given our level of development,” he added

Here is what I understood.
A boss/owner is addressing his subordinates.
He is motivating them to improve their performance so that his business develops further.
He has already achieved some level of development which is expressed in some units or percentage and which is currently a single digit fgure (that is less than 10 percent)
He is sure he can improve and take the performance higher and reach development figures of more than 10 percent (double digit)
This can be done “over a period of time” which is what is meant by “over time”.

I trust this is clear to you now.


23 Oct 2014 13:55
Gyan Prakash
23 Oct 2014 13:55

I don’t see why we can’t overtime reach double digit given our level of development,” he added.

विकल्प -

उन्होंने जोड़ा कि, “हमारे विकास स्तर को ध्यान में रखते हुए, मैं यह समझ नहीं पा रहा हूँ कि हम आगामी समय में दहाई अंको तक क्यों नहीं जा सकते.”

दहाई अंक  - 10 से 99 तक की संख्याएँ

24 Oct 2014 16:09
24 Oct 2014 16:09
gvshwnth - 22 Oct 2014 10:58

@Ninja Warrior,

I don’t see why we can’t overtime reach double digit given our level of development,” he added

Here is what I understood.
A boss/owner is addressing his subordinates.
He is motivating them to improve their performance so that his business develops further.
He has already achieved some level of development which is expressed in some units or percentage and which is currently a single digit fgure (that is less than 10 percent)
He is sure he can improve and take the performance higher and reach development figures of more than 10 percent (double digit)
This can be done “over a period of time” which is what is meant by “over time”.

I trust this is clear to you now.


Thank you.
I think, I had become a stupid pedant when I read that sentence. I never thought it could have been “over time”.

In that case the sentence should have been written like…
I don’t see why we can’t over time reach double digit [***] given our level of development,”

And also we need something like “increase in sales/increase in turnover/decrease in Administration Overheads” to fill the portion given in the square brackets. Moreover, “double digit” is not used unless it is used as an Adjective. But it’s true that I got confused as regards all these points. Mea culpa.