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Translate in hindi

26 Jul 2014 14:04

26 Jul 2014 14:04
Kr. Pritam
26 Jul 2014 14:04

The starting point of energy security today is diversification of supplies and sources.

Human shieldis a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the soldiers.

26 Jul 2014 15:03
26 Jul 2014 15:03

The starting point of energy security today is diversification of supplies and sources.

उर्जा सुरक्षा का आरम्भ है स्रोतों और आपूर्तियों  का विविधिकरण।

Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the soldiers.

मानव-ढाल एक सैनिक और राजनैतिक शब्द है जो वर्णन करता है युद्ध के निशाने पर होने वाले लक्ष्यों के आसपास रखे गए उन गैर-सैनिकों का, ताकि दुश्मन को इन पर आक्रमण करने से रोका जाए।

इसका अर्थ यह भी हो सकता है उन लोगों का प्रयोग, जो, आक्रमण के समय, योद्धाओं की रक्षा के लिए,  ढाल बनकर,  उनके आगे कूच करने के लिए बाध्य होते हैं

I have tried my best. May be someone can improve this translation. This was not so easy.