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please correct if i am wrong and also explain them the differenc

13 Jul 2014 09:50

13 Jul 2014 09:50
13 Jul 2014 09:50

1 i know nothing of him
2 i know nothing on him
3 i am writing on Shakespeare
4 i am passing through the park
5 i am passing across the park
6 i knew it throgh the book
7 i knew it by the book
8 i knew it from the book
9 he was sick from fever
10 he was sick with fever

13 Jul 2014 10:39
13 Jul 2014 10:39

1 i know nothing of him
2 i know nothing on him

The usual sentence is “I know nothing about him” मैं उसके बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता
If you say “I know nothing of him” it usually means, you know the person but don’t know where he is or what he is doing. उसे जानता हूँ पर वह कहाँ है, या क्या कर रहा है, मुझे पता नहीं.

I know nothing on him can mean you don’t know anything that can be used as some sort of evidence against him or used to judge his suitability for marriage, job etc. उसके खिलाफ़ मुझे कोई जानकारी नहीं है या उसकी नौकरी/शादी के लिए योग्यता के बारे में निर्णय लेने के लिए मेरे पास कोई जानकारी नहीं है।

3 i am writing on Shakespeare
means I am writing on the subject of Shakespeare
It could be a biography of the person or a commentary on his literature.
शेक्स्पीयर विषय पर लिख रहा हूँ। (उस व्यक्ति के बारे में या उसकी रजनाओं पर)

4 i am passing through the park
5 i am passing across the park
Both mean the same. But 4. is more common. 5. is not used much.

6 i knew it through the book
7 i knew it by the book
8 i knew it from the book
All mean the same.
6 and 8 are more common. 7 is rare.

9 he was sick from fever
10 he was sick with fever
In common spoken conversation it means the same.
But if you still wish to find some difference then
9. means he was having fever, and therefore we can consider him sick.
उसे बुखार था इसलिए वह अस्वस्थ कहा जा सकता था
10 means he was sick and along with this he had fever.
वह अस्वस्थ था और सथ साथ उसे बुखार भी था

These are only my opinions.  I can’t guarantee that I am correct.